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About Me

I have always had a passion for baking and have never met a sweet I didn't want to taste, make and try to improve. I started baking very young under the careful watch of my Mom, Barbara.  Soon, I  began creating great tasting desserts. After graduation, the next 10 years of my life would bring me love and happiness in the form of my family, working in the financial services field, and continuing  to bake for friends and family.  My desserts were and still are, the most anticipated part of every family gathering.

Now, with one child in college and the other two in high school, my life has eased to a stay at home mom. I now have the time to share my baking gifts with others in the community. My baked goods have a professional taste and are a treat for any pallet. If you see something you like or something you just want to try, send me an e-mail.  If what you are looking for is not on the menu, feel free to e-mail me a suggested dish.  I'll make it just the way you want it.

You'll always be happy you came to After You, Sweets for all of your sweet tooth needs.

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